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Saturday 4 January 2014

Christmas is coming... but went very quickly

I have decided to do a series of 'reflections over Christmas' blogs... It all kind of follows on and links up all my Christmas blogs.

You may or may not remember that back in September I wanted to try a new craft every week.... well that did and didn't happen, although it did help me build up my 'Christmas Crafts' selections, I didn't exactly stick to it. As I was putting the decorations away last night Mr O and I had a little discussion on how sad it is that we work up to Christmas for so many months, weeks or days (depending on how organised you are!) but yet it all seems to go very quickly.

So in this new series of posts, I will be looking back on Christmas, my Christmasy crafts and my Christmas 'things' and re-living the sparkle and love of Christmas!

If you follow me on twitter or Facebook, or even other people's blogs then you will of seen, heard and smelt all about the beautiful Yankee Candle Advent Calendar that they released this year. I got mine from the Ideal Home Show at Christmas (gosh, big mouthful!) at a reduced rate of £20 but you could buy it online for slightly more.

Now, for me this was this year's perfect advent calendar as it meant no extra chocolates that were eaten but I got a new candle to burn every day. Although I loved it the one main problem for me was that you didn't know what candle you were burning! Yes, there was list of the candles on the back of the calendar, but I think it might have been handy to know what the one was that you opened that day as some days I really liked the smell and I would have gone out and bought it but I obviously couldn't as I DIDIN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS BURNING!!!

Did any of you buy this advent calendar? What did you think of it?...
Love, Mrs O x

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